Me, the Production Assisstant.
I had a wonderful time in CS 229. Especially Yan Xuan. I have to say I'm not the best group mate to have, not for a production class. But she actually managed to tolerate all my bad temper and crappiness. As for Janus and Chrong Meng... they ROCK! These guys are great with such stuff. That said, I have to sorry to all for my horrible temper, or impatience.
Janus: Thanks for helping with the sound edit. I'm so sorry I made you go without sleep, 'cos I had a report to rush. You make a great director!
Chrong Meng: Boss! All those brainstorming for ideas.. Paiseh I may be a bit harsh la, but we all wanted the best for the project, yea? :D You're the greatest BOSS any secretary can have!
Yan Xuan: Muahaha, auntie! Terima kasih for tolerating my craziness and temper. I know you have it hard too. Always the mediator and diplomatic. You go, girl!
posted by QueenPig @ 7:21 PM
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QueenPig. The ruler of the kingdom. One of its kind. Legend has it that she will be exceptionally XXX. The rest is up to your imgaination.