Sunday, October 26, 2008


No, this post is not about the sitcom F.R.I.E.N.D.S. It's about me. So if you're not interested, just click the X on the top right hand corner of your window.

At this point in life, friends are no longer as important as before. Sure, on a day to day basis, they still play an important role, but overall, it doesn't matter to me a much that they come and go.

Perhaps, it's because being my friend is tough. To be my best friend is even tougher.

I admit that I do have a set of rather high morals (relative to others, in this current day and age). To make things worse, I expect my friends to somewhat fall within those morals and my best friend(s) to fit most of the morals.

Some of them may seemed to fit initially. But over time, people change. Situations change. Their morals change. (This is what some of us call "flexible morals.")

And when they go, I'm left alone. 


Sometimes, ignorance is really bliss. Sure, I do treasure and care for my friends. I still want to be there for them in times of need. But there are some secrets that are so deep and dark that I prefer never to know of.
And then there's the case that I'm being accused. 

It feels lousy when your friends, whom you think understand you, turn around and accuse you of things that they should know you'll never do. 

Okay, that's a mouthful. Let's have an example.

For instance, you have a strong stand against pre-marital sex. But your friend think (and maybe spread) that you had sex with your boyfriend (and maybe not boyfriend. Just some guy). How innocent?!

My friendships are built on trust, time, love and loads more. And beneath all these, there're morals. Some traits that are against my morals (e.g. cheating in tests) can be tolerated and turned a blind eye towards (though I will nag and discourage such behaviour). Others like treasuring life and family, treating living things and relationships with care, and being firm in his/her grounds (when they are ethically right) are harder to be compromised.

Then again, it's based on my morals. How selfish can I get?

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posted by QueenPig @ 12:27 AM


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Location: Singapore

QueenPig. The ruler of the kingdom. One of its kind. Legend has it that she will be exceptionally XXX. The rest is up to your imgaination.