Airport? Or not? *shrugs*
On the way to NTU office. Shanghai is bustling with many highways! They are like a massive spider web!
At Pudong Airport with the girls.
Fellow GIP peeps boarding the bus to NTU office! Big luggages! We're all migrating! :P
My housemates and I! We're SUPER HAPPY there's FOOD at the office for us!
Touched down, hang around waiting for the buses, and off we go to the NTU office for some briefing! We met Detong, the SENs guy at Shanghai. And he gave us (well, me at least) a pleasant surprise by duplicating the keys for us! All nicely done (although some of the keys ended up faulty)! Nice first impression! ^^
Joanne and I! I'm super happy to see familiar faces! Hohoho... Love her loads!
The briefing is shorter than our waiting time! But too bad we didn't skip it. Detong brought us home separately in a van. We threw our luggage in the house and he brought us around the estate. Well, at least we need to know where is the metro station and supermarket!
After shopping at 农工商超市 for the necessities (pillows, bed sheets, quilt), we decided to just rest our feet and settle lunch/dinner (it's around 4 p.m.) at KFC!
China Kentucky Fried Chicken! Spot the differences with Singapore KFC!
1. Smaller (okay, you can't see that in the picture)
2. Orange juice instead of Pepsi as default drink
3. No coleslaw, only corn salad
Apparently, we over-loaded the power by switching all the heaters at once. There's only a few! Plus, we were freezing cold! In the end, they had someone fix it so we have a higher power load available.
Lesson learnt? We cannot live without the heaters and the laptops!
Well.. Here's a last stupid picture of myself to cheer everyone who's feeling down and to make those who're feeling good great! :D
posted by QueenPig @ 4:38 PM
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QueenPig. The ruler of the kingdom. One of its kind. Legend has it that she will be exceptionally XXX. The rest is up to your imgaination.