Sunday, February 17, 2008


16th Feb, 2008

Adventure at 七宝老街! This street is not as accessible as other tourist destinations, simply because it is located at the southern sub-urban area of Shanghai. Aprroximately 140 000 people live there. After renonvation, it is now a pretty popular spot among tourists and locals alike.

As the name suggests, there are 7 treasures. I have no idea what they are, but let me show you the treasures I found! ^^

Lanterns! Chinese love lanterns!

Lizards look-alike creatures. What are these?

Old school game! It's like in the movies! Catch the fishes with a paper net!

Bags, wallets, pouches, dolls etc are all made from this cloth with blue design! They look a little jap to me; what do you think?

Antique shop with old-school posters! I like! :P
Porcelain vases, porcelain figures, porcelain toys... and the list goes on.

Gourds of all shapes and sizes. Aspiring Ji Gong can come and search for you treasure!

I have no idea what to say of this. A fake scenery behind the real pavilion. -_-

And because the painted scenery is not very well done, take a look at the beautiful lights! I'm so pro! HOHOHO! :x

Take 1!

Take 2!

Take 3!

Kawaii dolls! They are all pursing their lips! What are you waiting for; give them a kiss! :P

And to the topic at the heart of all Singaporeans, FOOD!

The 师傅 is making 龙须糖, loosely translated as Dragon Beard Candy.

So, you say we have all of those in Singapore too? Look on. If you have a weak stomach, go get a plastic bag.

"小鸟小鸟!要不要吃小鸟!" (I wonder if the aunties are talking to me or the dead birds.)


Weird cakes. I suppose they are rice kueys.

See something familiar? Piggidom was hit by snow storms and the pigs had frost bites so bad that all their noses dropped off!



BBQ-ed squids. There's mutton etc, much like Singapore's satays, but with much more variety. They are available by the roads too!

Erm... With them staring so hard (well, they look like they are squinting), do you still dare to try?

Hohoho.. I like! Will you believe me if I say there're courtesses and 小二 in the shop?

Dinner at this 云南 eatery!

Nice ambience! Look at the waitress!

The ceiling. Sorry, I have a knack of looking all over the place. I wonder why the hats are there...

Erm... Funnels? These are on sale, by the way.

Big pots! I wonder what those dark dark stuff are... Looks like they are making vinegar or wine of sorts.

Looks like gigantic brushes, but they are actually umbrellas.

Music and dance is part and parcel of the 云南 lifestyle. The two big drums, hang up and wasted.

过桥米粉. Tee Rong says it originates when this wife brought food for her scholar husband. Because the weather is cold, she poured a layer of oil over the boiling soup to keep the food warm. Needless to say, she always have to cross a bridge to reach her husband...

Yee Rae looks stunned when the waitress poured everything into the soup! The waitresses have elaborate costumes. I wonder if they are from 云南...

Looks normal, taste normal. A little too salty for my taste.

Some chicken soup that I'm not supposed to drink because I'm having a terrible cough.

汤圆 in all shapes and sizes. How true... And I thought only I used to play with the dough when making 汤圆.
So, which of the above make the 7 treasures? ^^
Anyway, there's something I don't understand. Figure this out.
Why is 老街 at 青年路?

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posted by QueenPig @ 2:08 PM


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QueenPig. The ruler of the kingdom. One of its kind. Legend has it that she will be exceptionally XXX. The rest is up to your imgaination.