Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Chefs in the making

Cooking in China is not necessary cheaper than buying food outside, because meals here are rather cheap. However, I'm missing food that's not as strongly-flavoured, so my housemates and I got down to cooking!

The spread on the table! Feeds 5.
The first meal wasn't much as the kitchen is not as well-equipped as I would like it to be. Beside a bottle of soy sauce and oil, there's nothing.

Veg! It's so hard to find veg here!

Fried rice in soy sauce. Don't try this, your rice will look brown.

The two chefs (L to R: Tee Rong, Chin Weng) of the day with roasted chicken bought from the supermarket!

First try, wasn't THAT bad. Chin Weng kinda has a little talent in cooking! ^^

Weeks later, I wanted to make veg soup and sesame oil chicken wings. My dear housemate Yeerae was blur (as usual, hee) and told me there's sesame oil when there's none. Without chicken wings, what's rice?!

So I made do with veg soup, and threw in the magee mee noodles.

I swear, it was the nicest meal I had! Mildly flavoured, fully veg. YUMMY!

11th Feb, full feast for three!

Unfazed, we cooked again. This time, it's yummies for three!

Canned black beans fish. I love black beans! ^^

Fried tomato (only left one, hee) with egg. By the two chefs!

Cabbage with mushrooms. In soy sauce and a dollop of oyster sauce. This is by Chin Weng. I'm not so use to salty food, so I had a little only.

The guys finished the cabbage, almost the whole big plate! I think it may be too much, 'cos the two of them had tummy ache that night! :x

Erm... Not too sure what it's called. But it's stir-fried with oyster sauce. Easy to cook and tastes like home!

And this is by me! It's supposed to have carrots and cauliflower. And it's a must-have during CNY at my house! I love it, but Tee Rong doesn't eat this. I'll probably buy more for myself... Hee... :P

Anyway, I was out on a tour to Fujian the past 4 days! Will post pictures soon! ^^

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posted by QueenPig @ 2:19 AM


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QueenPig. The ruler of the kingdom. One of its kind. Legend has it that she will be exceptionally XXX. The rest is up to your imgaination.