Friday, August 18, 2006

Uniformed Uniforms

I miss the times I can wake up and just grab my school uniform. No worries about what to wear and whether you'll be comfortable in them.

It is times like these that I really feel stupid, for not treasuring school uniforms when I can. At least, not treasuring them enough.

Some uniforms can be super unglam and all, but it's there for a great purpose.


(I can see you yawning, so rude. :x Pay pigging attention when the Queen is talking okay!)

When you are in a school like mine, everyday in school is like a fashion parade. Or it's like a walk down Orchard Road. There is an unspoken standard that is followed.

Like how crocs should not be seen. Like how Birkenstocks are really in (not to mention super ex). Like how the new shop in town is so In every other girl shop there.

Ultimately, there is a rather obvious seggregation among those who dress up and those who don't.

And by observation, that line drawn applies for family income to a great extent. Do I even need to explain further?

Of course, there are exceptions. But how often does that occur? A rich person who dresses in pasar malam clothes? Or a poor person decked in Topshop apparels? Not often enough, I must say.

Beyond the usual talk on how uniforms are convenient and time-saving (you don't need to think of what to wear, other than whether you should wear PE attire, or not), the rich and the poor (by this I don't mean the extremes, but probably $2k difference in income) are unified.

Do you even remember judging a person by attire in secondary school? NO! Why? Because everyone is the SAME, yet different.

There's so much more to appearance, so why the focus? Guys go " wow, nice legs", "Chio lehz!" and "Does she put make-up?" That seldom happens in the past? Of course clothes and make-up makes a person look better, but is it the other girl-in-cheapo-tee-and-jeans' fault? She can't afford it, so what?

Social stigma and prejudice; I can't even be bothered to bring my arguement further - I'm so confused.


Anyone game enough to wear school uniform and go out with me? ^-^

Oh, by the way, the dress code for Piggidom is tees and jeans. Cheap ones.


posted by QueenPig @ 1:20 PM


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QueenPig. The ruler of the kingdom. One of its kind. Legend has it that she will be exceptionally XXX. The rest is up to your imgaination.