posted by QueenPig @ 12:38 AM
走火入魔 -_-"
At 4:02 AM , little miss simple said...
i want alot of guardian angels!!!
then got division of labour and specialization so can share the load.. good? good? =P
At 4:04 AM , little miss simple said...
anyway my fren who's also a dragonboater was like ultra emo, make until i also emo over the wkend.. he just had lunch wif one of them last wk n dat guy said he wasn't keen in going for the comp.. but still he went n the rest is history.. so sad!!
At 6:25 PM , said...
eh. dear airen. you really finish exams a lot of time... all chinese sia.
At 12:39 AM , QueenPig said...
alamak.. i realli dun wanna watch the news lo. typhoon la, dragon boat capsize la. i dun even wanna ask dragon boaters bout how they're feeling...
over division of labour will lead to diseconomies of scale.
At 12:45 PM , little miss simple said...
wah u really zou huo ru mo, still thinking about econs?? time to throw them out the window!!
haha.. never lah. it's just a few words leh...
window too small to throw out all the econs la. too much already..
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QueenPig. The ruler of the kingdom. One of its kind. Legend has it that she will be exceptionally XXX. The rest is up to your imgaination.