QueenPig: Mummy, babies dream or not? If they dream, what do they dream of?
Mummy Pig: Of course they dream! Sometimes they will
have nightmare and give little wails. Sometimes they have nice dream and will smile to themselves.
QueenPig: Do they dream in first or third person?
Mummy Pig: Erm.. Do you dream in first or third person?
QueenPig: Both. Mostly third. Hm... do they dream like they're still babies or when they're grown up? Do they know they'll grow up?
Mummy Pig: Do you remember knowing that you'll grow up?
QueenPig: But sometimes dreams can't be explained. You can dream of yourself as an animal too! Oh, maybe babies dream that they are king- kong sized adults? Like, everytime I bully Elias, he will dream that he's King-Kong Adult and start terrorising me. Revenge!
posted by QueenPig @ 1:47 AM
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QueenPig. The ruler of the kingdom. One of its kind. Legend has it that she will be exceptionally XXX. The rest is up to your imgaination.