Thursday, August 31, 2006
It doesn't pay to get involved
Especially in relationship issues.
When you are the middle person, what do you do? Get A to understand B's point of view and B to understand A's, right?
Now, what happens if A can understand B, but B seems to never get A?
Explain? Sure, but what if, and I stresses what if, B still doesn't seems to get A?
You know what I'll do? It's none of my freaking business. Being the Queen of Piggidom (hehe, in case you have forgotten), it is busy enough. I definitely don't need to spend my time on someone who doesn't appreciate the efforts.
So much for being concerned. I actually thought it's because of anger that drove the words "It's none of your business" out the first time. Although they didn't come the second time, it's EQUALLY BAD.
For goodness sake, the person who need reflecting is YOU. Yes, you, if you know who you are.
Stop thinking that you are always correct. Freaking wake up and look who's actually concerned enough to shake you. Look at the very persons you have complained.
OPEN YOUR FREAKING EYES AND LOOK. Yea, I bet you're still thinking that there's nothing wrong with you. If you're really thinking that way, and that I don't understand you, sorry to say, I give up. I'll still accept you as you are, my buddy, but don't come complaining to me or ask me to pass information. My communication skills will not be opened to be tapped on.
Thanks for listening to my ranting. Just feeling darn pissed. And I suspect I'm more pissed with myself for being pissed than I'm pissed with my buddy for pissing me. Wow.
I have a question! Who is shadow? Hi shadow, do I know you? You've been shadowing my blog! ^-^
Note to my CS friends: Voting Day for By-Elections is tomorrow, at the CS benches. Do come down and give support! See you there! (^0-0^)
Labels: life
posted by QueenPig @ 9:11 PM

Wednesday, August 30, 2006
It's been such a hectic week... and there's more to be done.
Take a deep breathe, together, shall we?
Breathe In...
And Breathe Out...
There you have it. Don't you feel better? Hehe.
Note: To all my CS friends... Please come down to the benches and vote for me yea? I love you! Terima kasih! Thank you! 谢谢!Arigato! *insert thank you in foreign language*
Labels: school, WKWSCI
posted by QueenPig @ 9:49 PM

Tuesday, August 22, 2006
I just feel like posting...
... because the past posts are so filled with WORDS!

Anyway, strange/weird/nonsensical/bullshit questions came to my mind while watching the National Day speech on Sunday...
Do ministers go shopping? If not, who buy their stuffs? If the maid buys everything, is it a HE or a SHE? Full time or part time? One or many? Do they need to undergo special training?
Final question: How about intimates? Like Cxxxxx, Pxxx, Underxxxxxxx etc?
Labels: random
posted by QueenPig @ 1:12 AM

Friday, August 18, 2006
Uniformed Uniforms
I miss the times I can wake up and just grab my school uniform. No worries about what to wear and whether you'll be comfortable in them.
It is times like these that I really feel stupid, for not treasuring school uniforms when I can. At least, not treasuring them enough.
Some uniforms can be super unglam and all, but it's there for a great purpose.
(I can see you yawning, so rude. :x Pay pigging attention when the Queen is talking okay!)
When you are in a school like mine, everyday in school is like a fashion parade. Or it's like a walk down Orchard Road. There is an unspoken standard that is followed.
Like how crocs should not be seen. Like how Birkenstocks are really in (not to mention super ex). Like how the new shop in town is so In every other girl shop there.
Ultimately, there is a rather obvious seggregation among those who dress up and those who don't.
And by observation, that line drawn applies for family income to a great extent. Do I even need to explain further?
Of course, there are exceptions. But how often does that occur? A rich person who dresses in pasar malam clothes? Or a poor person decked in Topshop apparels? Not often enough, I must say.
Beyond the usual talk on how uniforms are convenient and time-saving (you don't need to think of what to wear, other than whether you should wear PE attire, or not), the rich and the poor (by this I don't mean the extremes, but probably $2k difference in income) are unified.
Do you even remember judging a person by attire in secondary school? NO! Why? Because everyone is the SAME, yet different.
There's so much more to appearance, so why the focus? Guys go " wow, nice legs", "Chio lehz!" and "Does she put make-up?" That seldom happens in the past? Of course clothes and make-up makes a person look better, but is it the other girl-in-cheapo-tee-and-jeans' fault? She can't afford it, so what?
Social stigma and prejudice; I can't even be bothered to bring my arguement further - I'm so confused.
Anyone game enough to wear school uniform and go out with me? ^-^
Oh, by the way, the dress code for Piggidom is tees and jeans. Cheap ones.
Labels: school
posted by QueenPig @ 1:20 PM

Thursday, August 17, 2006
A moment of beauty, lifetimes of regrets
Boom! Crack!
Heads turn up as fireworks explode into the night sky.
It's funny how so many people are fascinated about fireworks. It's something I simply cannot understand, or even remotely feel excited for.
The more expressive of the lot would probably chide me with responses like
"Ay, you don't understand lah. It's so beautiful, that moment of beauty is worth anything. Just like love at first sight."
To which my opinion is that, fireworks are a serious case of POLLUTION.
Why? Take for example National Day.
Every year, there is a display of fireworks. Beside the actual day, there's preview, and probably a few rehearsals. Not forgetting those 'trials' to test the fireworks (I presume there are, otherwise how to come up with all those fancy designs, which apparently looks all the same to me).
Multiply that by the number of countries in the world which celebrate their National Days by having fireworks too!
Add to that number, the times fireworks were there to mark the opening of some significant (some not-so-significant, and others not-significant) places/buildings/monuments etc. Think esplanade.
Highly likely that at least once every year, some country will say "Hey, we're 40/50/100 years old already! Let's have more fireworks!"
You get the drift? It's so bad you see the effect almost immediately! Just look at those people holding on to umbrellas in the stadium top most seats. Not to mention that future generations will have to bear the rotten fruits of these doings.
Of course, you can argue that fireworks get people high.
Uncreative. Go think of some other way to get people fascinated. Fireworks should be banned, like CFC.
Like the sensor thingy at Orchard Cineleisure Level 1. Go and you'll see what I mean.
That's what I call WORTH IT.
Labels: life
posted by QueenPig @ 9:43 PM

Friday, August 11, 2006
暗恋, 追求, 相爱.
斗嘴, 沟通, 延续.
没人说, 这会容易.
我说, 相信就可以.
暗恋, 追求, 相爱.
斗嘴, 沟通, 延续.
没人说, 只有开心.
我说, 快乐要由时而的伤心衬托.
暗恋, 追求, 相爱.
斗嘴, 沟通, 延续.
没人说, 一切完美.
我说, 寻找终点一起前进.
只要相信, 只要忍让, 只要锁定前景,
天长地久, happily ever after, 就在不远方.
To you-know-who-you-are,
Labels: emo
posted by QueenPig @ 12:20 AM

Sunday, August 06, 2006
Of sharks, bananas and bunnies
The good things in life often happen when you least expect them to.
Like how I wished I need not go for UOC because I don't really know anyone there.
Like how I wished I can skip Hall FOC because I felt tired.
But I enjoyed myself. I made new friends, and great ones at that. I got closer to friends whom I didn't get to before.
So with all the blindfolds cutting (thanks to Ivan, for his Ben and Jerry's ice cream - my first) and ti ti tititi shark attacks, I survived both orientations.
Not without a bad sun burnt. I'm peeling on my forearms even though I applied sun block (not everytime though).
Really, thanks to everyone who made UOC '06 and Survivor a success. See you peepz around in school! ^-^
Labels: school
posted by QueenPig @ 4:12 PM

Wednesday, August 02, 2006
National Day Parade Preview '06
Last Saturday, I went to watch NDP Preview with tortiz, after a long long long break from not watching live for me.
I used to go with my god-mother and my brother every year when we were young, because my god-father performs every year. Cool right?
However, as the years go by, the parade simply gets... BORING. Maybe it's age, maybe it's the parade.
Tortiz and I were remininsing the times when the performance will include a short replay of the history of Singapore. I distinctly remember the scene where an old woman was sobbing her heart out while carrying her grandchild. THAT, is what I call a good performance.
Two years later, they still conduct history lessons during NDPs, but this time round, they lacked feelings.
I guess someone must have realised that. Plus, shouldn't we all look forward? And guess what it turned into?
What else can I say? Every NDP teaches us the importance of racial and religious harmony, how we should work towards a common goal (to make a properous Singapore) etc. Not that it is bad, but the programmes should have worked together.
For a person like me who totally cannot appreciate the value of history to say that I prefer a NDP history-style, you can already see how bored I am.
And this year, a few stunts here and there remind me of charity performances on TV 10 years ago.
Watch NDP, live or on TV, and you'll see what I mean.
What a big sidetrack. All I wanted to say is that I enjoyed myself with tortiz. We're simply crazy. And tortiz, next time we'll put the tattooes on okay?! =P
Afterall, its the company that matters.
Labels: life
posted by QueenPig @ 9:53 AM