Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Butt Crack

I was on the train with Mummy the other day when two girls entered the cabin at Tanah Merah. Judging from the suitcases they had with them, I figure they are

1. Non-Singaporeans; or
2. Back from vacation.

Anyway, the girls looked like sisters.

Speaking of sisters, this is the second time the hairdresser said Cute QQ and I are sisters when we go for our haircut together. I think living together has somehow moulded the same look onto our faces.

You know, like how pregnant women paste pretty babies posters in their bedroom, stare at them and hope their babies turn out with big blue eyes, fair skin and chubby cheeks?

The problem here is, we don't think so. I was telling Cute QQ that we scrutinised each other's face so much nothing is similar any more. Our hairstyle is different, hair colour is different, size of eye is different (hers is same length but 1 mm wider than mine. We also discovered that she can only open her eyes slightly more than normal while I can open more.), facial shape is different, nose is different, lip shape and colour are also different! Tell us, which part of us look the same?

Digression over. Back to the sisters.

The sisters are pretty pretty. One of them was wearing this hipster short skirt and was getting alot of attention from the men (and me) in the cabin.

But I'm unsure. I don't know if it's because she's pretty, or if it's because of the butt crack she was flashing to the whole world.

The man beside her was staring DOWN THE BUTT CRACK! Oh My Pig!

Photo from
Is this a cleavage or a butt crack? A woman's or a man's?

I don't see what's so alluring about butt cracks. I can understand men staring down cleavages, 'cos they don't really have breasts and they don't have cleavages. Even women look at cleavages, especially women like me... *sob*

Photo from

There is only a fine line (not the butt crack, tikko) between looking sexy and looking trashy. If you have nice butts and a nice figure to match (plus low-waist undergarment), revealing a little butt crack look sexy. Like this:

Photo from

But if you have big droopy butts and a disappointing figure to match, "hide what you don't have" is my advice for you.

Ooh, it has to depend on your status too. If you're out shopping or enjoying your leisure time, revealing butt cracks are okay. If you are out working, especially as a shoes sale assisstant who needs to bend up and down, please hide it. It is certainly not pleasing at all to see granny undergarment or stinky briefs glaring at you while shopping.

The point here is, if you want to show butt cracks, make sure you show with style. And if you want to look at butt cracks, look with discretion.



posted by QueenPig @ 12:25 AM 0 Comments

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Hair Cut

Snip snip snip.

Gone was the 3 to 4 inches of hair.


I don't like my hair now.


I still feel my hair, but yet it's not there anymore. Still as hot and bothering.

I think the only time it feels significantly less is after a bathe. It dries so quickly it's amazing (again, like 1.5 years ago)!

But I stilll don't like my hair. Grr.

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posted by QueenPig @ 4:22 PM 0 Comments

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Dream a Baby Dream

I wonder if it's the post-exams syndrome. I've been thinking of weird things and my overactive mind is working non-stop.

It amazes myself what I think up.
A few days ago, I woke up and looked at little Elias, fast asleep.

Little Elias in the cot, awake and listening.

I asked my mum whether babies dream or not.

QueenPig: Mummy, babies dream or not? If they dream, what do they dream of?
Mummy Pig: Of course they dream! Sometimes they will
have nightmare and give little wails. Sometimes they have nice dream and will smile to themselves.
QueenPig: Do they dream in first or third person?
Mummy Pig: Erm.. Do you dream in first or third person?
QueenPig: Both. Mostly third. Hm... do they dream like they're still babies or when they're grown up? Do they know they'll grow up?
Mummy Pig: Do you remember knowing that you'll grow up?
QueenPig: But sometimes dreams can't be explained. You can dream of yourself as an animal too! Oh, maybe babies dream that they are king- kong sized adults? Like, everytime I bully Elias, he will dream that he's King-Kong Adult and start terrorising me. Revenge!

Little Elias when he was about 1 month plus. So CUTE!

Sometimes, I amaze myself with the things I say.

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posted by QueenPig @ 1:47 AM 0 Comments

Friday, November 24, 2006

Doubtful Personality Quiz and Tribute to Jojo

My Personality

Openness To Experience

Test Yourself Compare Yourself View Full Report
Find your soulmate / pysch twin

Ugg Boots, MySpace Surveys and MySpace Surveys by Pulseware Survey Software

Ripped this test off Si Keng's blog. I have no idea how accurate is this, just that I am pretty open. Conscientious? Doubt so...

Anyway, Sassy Ying's family dog, Jojo died. It's a sad affair; the dog had around for years! She speculated that someone killed it.

Everytime I go to Sassy Ying's house, Jojo would bark and wag its tail excitedly. She did this to all visitors. After which, she would follow closely at our feet. Always, it's too close for my comfort. I guess it sense my nervousness with it's excitement (Too hyper! I was afraid it bites, though it never does...), and deliberately disturbed me by prancing around me like a little kid in need of attention.

Jojo, the over-friendly dog. To me, at least.

Once again, I am putting a curse on that evil, heartless doller (Dog + Killer). May pig lard seep out of your ears.

Pig Bless You.


posted by QueenPig @ 2:31 AM 1 Comments

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Big Brother

I was watching this Hong Kong drama on cable Ch 55. In the show, this girl has a half-elder-brother (same dad, different mum). Despite being reunited for only a short period of time, the elder brother actually dotes and cares for her.

It makes me feel like having an elder brother too.

Actually, I have always wanted an elder brother. My friends who have elder brothers have wonderful relationships with them. Sure, I love my younger brother, but it's different. He dotes on his girlfriend.

I don't really know why I want to have an elder brother; there's enough love and care to go round my life, I guess, more than a hundred times? :P But I just feel like having one!

Someone I can fight with, stay at home with, chat-about-everything with, play with, go out with.

Ooh... I do have a god elder brother. But he's in China now, and he's 6 years older than me. (I think he doesn't even read my blog. Ha...) Ha.. He rocks, but tough luck la. We lead rather different lives, especially now that I gave up on Yang Qin (for the uninformed, it's called Hammer Dulcimer. Go Google it.).

So now... Maybe I can have another god elder brother?

Applications are open! Anyone wanna sign up? :D


posted by QueenPig @ 4:43 PM 5 Comments

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

My King. Your Pet.

The King of my life... to give me motivation to continue studying for a course that I am bound to do badly in...
Analogy of the day: Your Pet, Your Hatred.

A conversation with someone inspired me to come up with this analogy.

Hatred is like a pet. When you breed hatred in you, you just got yourself a pet.

This pet is evil. It feeds itself on others. What happens is that you make the people around you and yourself miserable. For what? Simply to let this pet grow stronger.

When you feed this pet with the food someone else gave you, the pet grows. If you try to stop it from growing by stopping that person from giving the food to you, it wouldn't work. Because the pet will develop an appetite for other food, provided by yet another person.

The only person to stop this pet from growing is you. Only you can let go of this pet. There is no way others around you can help you.

Hatred eats into you and others. Let them go, give yourself more space. This pet is not worth keeping.


posted by QueenPig @ 11:06 PM 0 Comments

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Guess a chinese idiom

Look, look! Guess a chinese idiom!

Got it already? So smart; it's 埋头苦干!

Now, in this pre-exam period for a lazy pig like me, 埋头苦干 times one is definitely not enough. You know what I need?






Two times 埋头苦干! =P


posted by QueenPig @ 3:50 PM 2 Comments

Monday, November 06, 2006

How to make a Cheesecake

A few Fridays back, Cute QQ and I tried making a non-bake cheesecake at my house. So, as cheesecakes are so yummy and irresistable, I decided to give all of you piggies out there the 'secret' recipe! :D

To make the base, you will need the above ingredients.

To make the cake, you need these ingredients (in clockwise): three teaspoons of gelatine, 180g of sugar, 100g of water, 1 tin of Nestle Cream, 250g of Cream Cheese.

1. Crush Marie biscuits and mix them well with butter.

2. Spread the mixture on a 22.5 cm diameter aluminium tray (or equivalent) and press hard to form a base. Put base in the fridge.

3. Add cream cheese to sugar.

4. Mix sugar with cream cheese in a mixing bowl.

5. Boil water.

6. Add gelatine and turn heat down. Keep stirring on low heat until gelatine dissolves.

7. When the mixture boils, add the sugar and cream cheese mixture and stir over a low flame. Add cream and keep stirring until mixture boils.

8. Pour mixture onto chilled biscuit base in tray. Chill cheesecake until set and garnish as preferred.

9. Ta-dah! Three piggi-o-licious cheesecakes looking at you! There's a name for them - Love Is All Around You! Yummy...

And so...

10. We finished it! Great comfort food during exams. Jiayou everyone!


posted by QueenPig @ 6:48 PM 3 Comments

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Disappointed, but Striving

If you are already very stressed, do not read on, for it will only stress you further.

If you are not very stressed, I suggest you go do some serious work to stress yourself up for exams. Adrenaline helps, yea?

This has been a horrible semester for me.

In my opinion, things (ok, academic work and results) went downhill since inter-sem.

Back in May-June this year, I took Desktop Publishing. I pretty much regret that decision.

Firstly, the tutors that taught me during inter-sem were not the one who teaches the subject during term time. To make things worse (or better, for some people), these tutors focused alot on journalism. Too much, in fact.

For people who cannot write well (that's me, by the way), this is a disaster. We were expected to come up with the stories, interview, write the stories, take pictures, lay the page. Basically, it's a head-to-toe job, simply for 4 Academic Units. Sure, the final product was great (we produced the annual campus magazine called INTUNE), but we were pretty much left on our own to fiddle with the layout (which the bulk of the course SHOULD be on).

At the end of the course, I received a pathetic B that pulled my overall GPA down.

I told myself, it's okay. I'll just work harder this semester to pull my GPA up again.

Only to find that I dislike almost half of the subjects I'm taking. The other half is on subjects that I cannot do well in.

Here's the overview:

CS 201: History and Theories of Communication Studies (I HATE history. No part of the piggy's brain is used for memorising, not at ALL)

CS203: Newswriting and Reporting (Did I say I can't write? Guess what? A C and D for my first two tests. WOW.)

CS 224: Interpersonal Communication (The lecturer is disappointing. Sometimes I wonder what she is doing in school. Teach? Sorry, but I don't think there's significant input from her. Not to mention that the verbal and non-verbal cues she sends out are totally discouraging and not fit to build a constructive interpersonal communiation environment.)

CS229: Basic Audio and Video Production (I enjoy the filming and the visual editing process, but I dislike sound editing. Guess what? Sound editor for final project. I'm so gonna flunk it. Plus, I'm not intending to go into Electronic and Broadcast Media. Why am I spending so much time on this and doing this to myself? Good thing is, this is one of the most enjoyable subject that there's something new to learn everytime.)

CS 816: Information Literacy (Compulsory subject. Takes away my Fridays, but on the whole, it's still okay. Just that my grade for the second assignement was not satisfactory.)

HE 191: Principles of Economics (Thanks to my double major, I have to take this easy course. I expect an A for this, but right now, a 14/20 for my quiz which stands for 30% is not exactly for encouraging. Some say it's not fair, as we have different test papers. Count on my luck, or lack of, because the highest in my class -16/20- seems to be the average for other classes. Then again, it's easy, and I enjoy refreshing all these theories.)

Enough of ranting, the ever-optimistic, amazingly-happy-always QueenPig will CHIONG and try to do my best.

Maybe I need to learn to be less of a perfectionist, maybe I need to stop comparing too much with myself, maybe I need to lower my own expectations...

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posted by QueenPig @ 3:38 PM 1 Comments

Location: Singapore

QueenPig. The ruler of the kingdom. One of its kind. Legend has it that she will be exceptionally XXX. The rest is up to your imgaination.